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The Weekly Wrap – 5th February 2020




SEO: How Do You Effectively Optimize Your Website in a Tiny Niche?
In this article, you’ll learn how to understand your audience and branching out beyond keywords are important in order to dominate a small niche in search engines.

SEO: Everything You Need To Know About The Google Featured Snippet Deduplication Change
In this article, we summarise everything you need to know about Google’s Feature Snippet Deduplication change in one simple bulleted list that someone can then take and make into an infographic in an effort to build natural links.

SEO: SEO in 2020: Going Beyond Google
In this article, you’ll discover where else SEOs should be focusing their time.

SEO: URL Capitalization & SEO: Does It Really Matter?
In this article, you’ll learn more about URL capitalisation and what should be considered from an SEO perspective.

SEO: Meta descriptions and branding have the most influence on search clickthrough, survey finds
In this article, we share a study from Ignite Visibility on the impact of meta description have on your clickthrough rate (CTR).

SEO: Four common Google Analytics myths busted
In this article, you’ll understand four Google Analytics myths to gain better results.

SEO: Managing SEO for Non-SEOs: 3 Simple Tips
In this article, you’ll learn how to set SEO goals and objectives, find the gaps in your SEO, and have meaningful SEO team meetings.

SEO: 4 Hidden Hreflang Challenges for International SEO
Here are four examples of hidden challenges international SEO professionals may encounter during hreflang implementation and how to deal with them.

SEO: Long Tail Keywords and SEO
In this article, we discuss what long tail keywords are and how they impact SEO.

SEO: What’s happening with featured snippets?
In this article, Rank Ranger’s Mordy Oberstein breaks down what’s been happening recently in with Featured Snippets in Google’s search result pages.

SEO: Going international with SEO: How to make your WordPress site globally friendly
In this article, you’ll find tips and suggestions to set your WordPress site on the path to international influence.

Paid: How to get client buy-in to try new PPC tactics
In this article, you’ll learn how to develop a clear plan including budget, testing timeline and KPIs along with case studies and competitor information when possible to get your client to try new PPC tactics.

Paid: 3 Major Differences Between Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising
In this article, you’ll learn about their differences in ad scheduling, search partner targeting options, in-market audiences so you can optimise accordingly.

Paid: 8 Ways to Drive More Calls – & Better Call Quality – with Paid Search
In this post, we’ll walk through the many ways to ensure that you’re driving more calls while keeping a close eye on call quality.

Paid: YouTube Display Ads 101: How to Target Placements & Boost Conversions
In this post, you’ll learn everything you need to know to get started with YouTube display ads.

Paid: How to Scale Tags: Example Google Analytics Properties via GTM
Here is how you effectively scale GTM tags across thousands of child sites utilising the resources at hand.

Paid: 7 Facebook Video Advertising Benefits For eCommerce Businesses
In this article, we discuss 7 benefits of deploying Facebook video ads for your eCommerce business.

Paid: YouTube Display Ads 101: How to Target Placements & Boost Conversions
In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know to get started with YouTube display ads.

Content: How to Create Cornerstone Content That Google Loves
In this article, you’ll learn how to develop cornerstone content that will provide indispensable information people need to know about your website and do business with you.

Content: Don’t Forget These 7 Tips to Get More Search Traffic
Check out these seven often overlooked SEO techniques. We go step by step without getting super technical.

Content: 5 Types of Interactive Content to Attract Valuable Links
Here are five types of interactive content that can inspire your campaigns.

Related Articles:

Content: How to Create a Strategic Social Media Plan [Template]
Here’s how to build a social media marketing plan to put all the essential decision-making info right at your fingertips.

Local: How to Outsmart Your Competitors Using Location Data [Webinar]
In this article, we share a webinar where you’ll discover how to leverage location data to acquire new customers and steal market share from your competitors.

Social: How to Measure the Success of Your LinkedIn Company Page: 5 Performance Metrics
In this article, you’ll learn how to measure five key performance metrics for your LinkedIn company page.

Social: 5 Ways to Use LinkedIn to Power Your Business
In this article, you’ll discover five ways to use LinkedIn for business.

Social: The 7 Biggest Social Media Sites in 2020
In this article, we look at seven of the biggest social media platforms today: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, and Reddit.

Social: 25 Things You Should Never Do on Social Media
In this article, we discuss 25 things business should not be doing on social media platforms.

Social: Facebook Messenger Marketing & Chatbots: 11 Ways to Get Started
In this article, you’ll learn exactly what a Facebook Messenger chatbot is and how to use them.

Social: Here’s How Much Brands Are Paying for Sponsored Content on TikTok & YouTube
In this article, we share an influencer marketing agency study how much brands are currently paying for sponsored content on TikTok and YouTube.

Social: What to Tweet: 21 Easy Ideas for Your Business or Brand
Here are 21 things to tweet from a business or brand account.

Social: Boost Your Facebook Video Views with These 6 Tactics
Here are six ways to boost your Facebook video views, including competitive research, using subtitles, and more.

Social: 8 Terrific Tips to Optimize a Twitter Business or Brand Profile
In this article, you’ll discover eight tips for optimising your business or brand’s Twitter profile.

Social: 10 Top Social Media Marketing Experts to Follow
Here are a list of 10 smart, influential and helpful social media marketing experts you should be following.

Social: 8 Ways to Increase Engagement on Your Facebook Business Page
Here, we’ll look at eight ways you can drive engagement with your Facebook business page, all without spending a dime.

Social: Social Media Content Strategy: How to Respond to a Changing Marketplace
In this article, we share a podcast with Jay Bear – Founder of Convince and Convert, discussing the big trends he sees in social media marketing today and discusses the important role of content in your social media strategy.

Social: How to Analyze Your LinkedIn Profile Using the LinkedIn Dashboard
In this article, you’ll discover how to use the dashboard on your personal LinkedIn profile to analyse and improve your profile visibility, prospecting, and content strategy.

Social: How to Use Instagram Customer Reviews for Maximum Impact
In this article, you’ll learn how to leverage customer testimonials in your Instagram feed, in Stories, and on IGTV.

Social: Facebook and Google Make Retargeting Harder: How to Prepare
In this article, we share a podcast where we explore how to prepare for Google’s plans to block third-party cookies and the expansion of Facebook’s Clear History tool with special guest, Rich Brooks.

Local: Paid Media & Privacy: What’s Changing & What It Means for Marketers
Here’s a quick look at what’s covered by GDPR and the upcoming e-Privacy Regulation, which affect Europe, but also take a look at the California Consumer Privacy Act and how this is likely to affect our industry.

Mobile: A Definitive Guide to Mobile SEO
In this article, you’ll discover how to make your mobile website rock by leveraging crucial aspects of mobile SEO – from content to UX to technical features and site speed.


SEO: Google: If You Need To Manually Submit Pages To Index Then You Need To Improve Site Quality
Google’s John Mueller said that if Google can’t pick up your webpages to be indexed without using the request indexing feature in Google Search Console, you may need to consider the quality of your site. 

SEO: Google Analytics Conversion Data That Is Exported Will Be Enabled For Bidding In Google Ads By Default
Web conversions you import from Google Analytics App + Web (excluding remarketing conversions) will automatically be used in bidding.

SEO: Google: Most Sites Do Not Have Toxic Links
Google’s John Mueller said that most sites don’t have ‘toxic’ links, or at least, created them on their own.

SEO: Complaints Of Indexing Issues Via Google Search Console
Google’s John Muller addresses concerns regarding Google Search Consoles ‘Request Indexing’ feature.

Related Articles:

SEO: Google: Schema Markup Won’t Get Any Easier; Will Get Harder
Google’s John Mueller said that he believes implementing schema markup for rich results won’t be getting any easier.

SEO: Google: No Need To Preemptively Disavow Links Before Sites Link To You
Google’s John Mueller said there is no need to spend your time on preemptively disavowing links.

SEO: Google: Google Assistant Actions Does Not Help You Rank Higher In Search
Google’s Danny Sullivan address queries regarding whether Google Assistant Actions help get website owners more traffic from organic search.

SEO: Google May Give Use Featured Snippets Reports In Search Console; Maybe…
Google’s Danny Sullivan said that maybe Google will eventually break out Feature Snippet Data in Google Search Console.

SEO: Google Considers Changes To Image Section In Featured Snippets
Google’s Danny Sullivan said that Google seems like they are looking into how they can make changes in Feature Snippet Images, and to not be alarm if the Feature Snippet display changes over the coming months.

SEO: Google: Mixed Languages In URLs Are Fine For Search
Google’s John Mueller said it doesn’t hurt you to used mixed languages in your URLs but it might confuse users who look at your URLs.

SEO: Google Discusses Link Reconsideration Requests
Google’s John Mueller explained why those sample links were nofollow then offered guidance on what should be done for a successful link reconsideration request.

SEO: Google Chrome In Google Search Tests Hiding URLs In URL Bar
Google Chrome have been spotted testing hiding the Google search URL from displaying and instead just showing the query you entered into Google in the Google Chrome URL bar.

SEO: Google Right Side Featured Snippet No Longer Deduplicated – For Now…
Google has come through and has now stopped deduplicating the featured snippets that show up on the right side. That is until Google moves the right side featured snippets to the top left position. 

Related Articles:

SEO: New: Google Search Console Removals Tool
Google has just launched a new tool within the new Google Search Console named the removals tool. 

SEO: Google Search News for January 2020
Google has published a new episode of Google Search News providing a brief update of some of the changes around Google Search in January 2020.

SEO: Google Launches SOS Alert For Searches Related to Coronavirus
Google has activated an SOS alert in search results for searches related to the coronavirus outbreak.

SEO: Google Search Patent Update – January 29, 2020
Here are a few interesting Google patents that recently have been granted.

SEO: WordPress 5.4 Will Add Lazy-Loading to All Images
WordPress announced that WordPress 5.4 may feature image lazy-loading by default. This feature will enable the “loading” HTML attribute on all IMG elements.

SEO: Elementor Page Builder Plugin Vulnerability
Popular WordPress page builder, Elementor has issued an update to patch a vulnerability called an Authenticated Reflected XSS. 

SEO: Bing Implements UX Change to Reduce Missed Clicks
Bing revealed it recently implemented a UX change to correct an ongoing problem with its search box.

Paid: Google Ads Switches To Standard Delivery For All Campaign Types
Google announced it is switching all campaigns, not just Search campaigns, Shopping campaigns, and shared budgets but also Display, Video, App and Hotel campaigns to Standard delivery.

Related Articles:

Paid: Microsoft Advertising Updates: Responsive Search Ads, Improved Reports, & More
Updates to Microsoft Advertising this month include a broad rollout of responsive search ads, clearer performance reporting, and news regarding expanded text ads.

Local: Google My Business Warning: Unpublished Business Profile Will Be Deleted
Google has been sending out email notices to Google My Business users that their unpublished business profiles will be deleted within 30 days. 

Local: Google My Business Local Listings Showing Massive Photos
Google have been spotted showing a new interface for displaying photos of the business. 

Local: Google: We Do Not Prioritize Crawling For US Sites
Google’s John Mueller said that sites based in the United States do not get crawling priority from Google. 

Local: Tons Of Google My Business Suspensions
Google My Business has performed more and more business suspensions recently according to local SEO experts. In fact, the appeal form seems to have a notice that says there is a high volume of questions around suspension notices.

Local: Apple’s big maps makeover now available across U.S., Europe coming soon
Apple announced that its rebuilt Maps application is now in general availability across the U.S. and will be coming soon to Europe.

Local: DuckDuckGo has other ideas for Google’s EU search choice screen
DuckDuckGo is not happy with Google’s proposed search choice screen for Android users in the EU and has released a proposal of its own.

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MozCon 2019: Andy Crestodina – Content, Rankings, and Lead Generation: A Breakdown Of The 1% Content Strategy

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