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The Weekly Wrap

The Weekly Wrap – 16th August 2017

Ignite Search Weekly Wrap – 16th August 2017

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100% Curated SEO/Online Marketing Goodness.

Key Industry Updates: 

SEO: Google Adds AMP Testing Tool Box To Search Results

Yesterday we reported that Google added a mobile page testing tool to search, right in the search results page. In April, Google added a submit URL box to the search results. Now I am seeing an AMP testing tool in the Google search results.

Go to Google and search for [amp page test] or something similar and you will see the box at the top of the search results:

SEO: Google adds 30 languages to voice search & makes it possible to use emojis with voice typing

Aiming to make its voice typing technology more inclusive, Google has added 30 new languages to voice search — bringing the total number of languages supported by speech recognition via Gboard on Android to 119. Included among the languages are Bengali, Lao, Sundanese, Urdu and two of the most popular African languages — Swahili and Amharic. It has also added Georgian, an ancient language that dates back to the 10th century.

SEO: Google Hotel Search Prominently Adds Number Of Hotel Results

Sergey Alakov shared a screen shot on Twitter of Google showing the number of the hotel results in your search in a very prominent way, taking up a significant amount of space. Google is showing the number either between the map view or list view and the actual results below it. Here is one screen shot but Sergey has more.

SEO: Bing Maps V8 Summer Update

The main release branch of the Bing Maps Version 8 (V8) Web Control has been regularly updated over the summer. These updates have brought several new features, both big and small, as well as many improvements and bug fixes to existing features. The Bing Maps V8 TypeScript definitions have also been updated accordingly. Here are some of the more notable new features added in this release.

SEO: Bing Ads Updates Quality Policy, Will Remove Non Performing Ads

Bing announced new updates to their Relevance and Quality policy yesterday. This is to drive better metrics across the system and “delivering improved ad and network quality,” they said. “Bing Ads customers should not see any significant impact to their campaigns that have recent performance, since Bing Ads will be removing non-performing keywords and/or ads from the platform,” Bing said. If you will be impacted, Bing promised to notify those customers.

SEO: Labels are coming to Bing Ads & Bing Ads Editor

Bing Ads is currently rolling out customizable, color-coded labels globally over the next few weeks. As in AdWords, labels can be applied at the campaign, ad group, ad and keyword levels to aid in account management and analysis. Any item can have as many as 50 labels associated with it. Users can add and edit labels from a new labels menu that appears in the various levels in their accounts in the web interface. Additionally, new labels reports are available in the Dimensions tab. Labels used in AdWords campaigns can also port over when importing campaigns from Google and can also be managed with the Bing Ads API.

Paid Search: Google AdWords Matches New Organic Sitelinks Design With Carousel Buttons

Google AdWords announced they have launched a new design for the AdWords sitelinks. This new design matches the mobile design for organic sitelinks that Google pushed out a few weeks ago. It is a carousel that you can swipe left and right and tap on the buttons. Google is calling them “tappable sitelinks.” Google said “sitelinks help you send people to specific pages on your site directly from your ad, like your store hours page, product pages and more. Going forward, we’re simplifying how mobile sitelinks will show by using both horizontal buttons and larger vertical links.”

Social: Facebook TV, YouTube Mobile Share and Chat, and Facebook Live for Stories

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Social Media Marketing Talk Show, a news show for marketers who want to stay on the leading edge of social media. On this week’s Social Media Marketing Talk Show with Michael Stelzner, we explore Facebook Watch (their TV solution), YouTube mobile share and chat with Amy Schmittauer, Facebook Live for Stories with Erik Fisher, and more breaking social media marketing news of the week!

Helpful Strategies, Tips & Tricks:

SEO: 10 Tips to Make Your PDFs SEO Friendly

Once upon a time, there was a myth that Google found PDFs impenetrable. Try as SEOs might, their PDFs could not enter the lucrative realms of Page 1. Google, the story went, simply could not decipher the contents of a non-HTML document. Optimizing PDFs for SEO, however, remains a largely untapped opportunity. Google can crawl, index, and rank the documents, but simple best practices are often under-utilized or just unknown.

SEO: 7 things to consider when choosing an ecommerce platform

Ecommerce has been growing steadily in popularity for the last 10 years. Online sales jumped up nearly 15% last year across the board, and they’re predicted to only increase in the future. If you’re starting a business and selling products and/or services, an ecommerce site is crucial in order to capitalize on this explosive online sales growth.

Paid Search: How to test and perfect nearly everything in PPC

Every successful advertiser knows that great headlines, powerful ad copy and compelling calls to action are the keys to conversion. But the only way to know that your ads are as effective as possible is to constantly test and refine them, to make sure they thoroughly resonate with your target audience.

Local: 6 ways to market your local business online (beyond Google Maps)

Local businesses have lots of great opportunities to use digital channels to their advantage. Here are a few actionable ways to promote your local business online apart from the most important (and the most obvious) one: Getting verified on Google Maps.

Mobile: Google Mobile-Friendliness Test Shortcut in Search Results

Google has made it easier than ever to test your site’s mobile-friendliness with a shortcut built right into its search results.Now it’s as easy as typing the command “mobile friendly” into the search bar to bring up a testing tool built by Google to gauge how mobile-friendly your site is.

Content: How Audiences Respond to Podcasts: New Research

Are you thinking about getting into podcasting? Wondering if podcasts still have an engaged audience base? In this article, you’ll discover insights from new research that show how listeners consume podcast content, and what might keep people from tuning in.

Content: How to optimize your content for Q&As

Google is perpetually improving its understanding of natural language. Google Featured Snippets and the rise of voice search optimization has made optimizing your content for question based queries more important than ever. You may have seen these Featured Snippets pop up in position zero after asking or typing a question in Google’s search bar. The benefit of earning a snippet is now clear to businesses and brands.

Content: How to Easily Turn Blog Posts Into Videos

Interested in repurposing your blog posts into videos? Looking for a no-cost tool to simplify the process? In this article, you’ll discover a partially automated tool that turns your blog posts into shareable social media video.

Social: How to Create Snapchat Ads in Snapchat Ad Manager

Wondering how to advertise on Snapchat? Have you explored the Snapchat Ad Manager? Businesses of all sizes can create Snap ads with the platform’s self-serve Ad Manager tool. In this article, you’ll discover how to create an ad with Snapchat Ad Manager.

Read Our Weekly Blog Post On LinkedIn’s New Video Recording Feature & How To Upload Videos to LinkedIn & Best Ways To Post It For Maximum Engagement

How Upload Videos to LinkedIn & Best Ways To Post It For Maximum Engagement (1)

Video: Watch our video on the details of a 301 redirect, why websites use them, and how they differ from other redirects – 15 August 2017 


Video: English Google Webmaster Central office-hours hangout – 11 August 2017

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